How to Increase Alexa Rank in 30 Days (100% Result)?

Every business owner is aware of Alexa Ranking and its possibilities. It represents a common metric to determine your company state; thus, it’s of high importance for investors, partners, etc. They will take it into account while estimating business health and trending opportunities. Therefore, most company owners strive to increase Alexa Rank as fast as possible.

Would you like to achieve it within 30 days? This article is for you then.


What Does Alexa Rank Cover?

Let’s turn to a formal definition of Alexa Rank. It constitutes a ranking system that audits and demonstrates the parameter of website visits. Alexa’s traffic rankings are based on users’ behavior in the global market. Data are provided by true users in an information panel and cover 3-month period.

It could hardly be compared with Google, but the lowest rated resources are located in 30+ million places! It’s the reason for many websites to improve Alexa Rank and go up.

What Does Alexa Analyze?

Before formulating your game plan, it’s better to gain understanding how Alexa ranks sites and which factors are considered. In fact, it reveals these aspects honestly: Alexa estimates visitors on an everyday basis and takes into account page views for past 3 months. If a resource can boast of the highest combination of page views and visitors for a specified time period, it’s ranked as the first one. If it has lower parameters, it’s ranked around million. In case if nobody has visited it for the last 3 months, a resource wouldn’t have ranking at all. All this information is provided in the form of a convenient graph.

As Google gets more traffic, it counts on more page views being atop of this mountain. For this reason, Alexa realizes the main tendency: the higher you’re, the harder it’s to move up. For instance, when you have 24,000,000 places and would like to come to 20 million, it will be easier than moving from 50 to 40.

All in all, Alexa web rank is all about 2 main factors: page views and an average number of daily visitors. Thus, what can you do to improve these parameters in 30 days?

Get Your Website Metrics Certified

Don’t you mind investing? Then you should make use of Alexa’s site metrics. This option is certified and so gives you a special code that measures website traffic. Here is the list of available advantages:

•   Your rank becomes more accurate;

•   You can monitor performance of your resource;

•   You receive access to in-depth and detailed analytical reports;

•   You’re able to show page views, ranks, and your unique visitors to the public.

Prices depend on the concrete option, but you always can decide on a free monthly audit with SEO analysis of your resource.

Therefore, you can receive a clear idea of your site’s health and get helpful tools to check Alexa rank.


Produce Worthy Content

Content serves as a vital element of online marketing whatever your website level is. According to stats, 67% of B2B clients count more on content than research or other parameters.

For this, you should create content that gives trust and hope. It should definitely be inspiring, practicable, useful, and extremely involving! Follow these steps to get the idea of eye-catching content:

•   It must arrest attention.

•   It should improve brand loyalty. It presumes a wish to buy from one and the same seller.

•   It forms authority.

•   It drives traffic.

•   It should be viral and attractive.

How to discover this sort of content? It will most likely be long-form and highly useful so that it could boost both free and certified Alexa rank. 

Obtain Quality Backlinks

What does Google take into account while ranking your resource? Authority and trust! According to Google algorithms, their number amounts to 23.87%.

One of effective ways to increase these parameters is to get high-grade inbound links. They must be from relevant, trustworthy, and reputable resources. To make a good progress, you should spend about 90% of your effort on creating good content and 10% ‒ on link building.

There’s one really efficient method called guest-posting. Just provide users with several posts published on reliable sites and prepare several publications that link to you. It will let you get Alexa rank and improve your positions here within 1 month.

Analyze Keywords of Your Rivals

What’s the best motivation for you? Do you dream of leaving your competitors behind and becoming a top in the market? One of the most helpful ways to move forward is to analyze keywords on your competitors’ sites. This way, you discover which keywords bring backlinks and generate traffic.

Once you’re aware of efficient keywords, you can use them for your website optimization. It’s like the golden mean! You can boost both your SEO ratings and Alexa rank.

How to Analyze Keywords Correctly?

For this, we recommend turning to Keyword Planner provided by Google. It offers different tools, but this one is the most efficient and universal at the same time.

So, open your Planner dashboard. Seek after keywords by pressing the button with search by phrases or categories. Then insert your rival’s URL. Get ideas from a large list of useful keywords!

The great thing you should know about this tool is that you can also define the volume of search per month and the competition level for each keyword. Outperforming your rivals by content will increase Alexa rank service and boost your SEO within 30 days. We suggest paying attention to words with maximum searches and minimal competition. They will do their work!


All in all, Alexa Rank has influence on many spheres of your business: from progress to its health and perspectives. This metric will help to estimate you as a worthy or not so sought-after business. Thus, achieving the number of 100,000 should become a priority for you!

If you follow these tips mentioned above, we guarantee that you will have noticeable improvements pretty fast. If your site positions are not so imposing now, it might take a bit more time but still gives forthcoming results. As this metric is extremely important, we recommend checking Alexa rank right now and doing your best to increase it!