Bounce rate vs Exit rate
The difference between bounce rate and exit rate is an essential moment that needs to be clarified. The bounce rate explained whether the online store meets the needs of the audience. It’s a number of sessions that makes it easy to see if users view only a specific page split by the overall number of sessions that started with that single page.
Simply put, bounce rate is the percentage of views on only one page. That is, the person visited the particular page and did not continue surfing on the site. Don’t forget that only the sessions that started with that page are taken into consideration during the bounce rate.
The exit rate, on the contrary, shows the number of page views from those people who came to it after acquaintance with a landing page. Then the received data is compared with the total number of page views.
Bounce rate vs exit rate: peculiarities
Don’t be surprised to know that a bounce rate in Google Analytics means that a user visited only one page. A high bounce rate in Google Analytics is not always signalizing a problem. If you are wondering about what is an acceptable bounce rate and Google Analytics exit rate, here’s an answer: a perfect bounce rate is in the 26% to 40% range and the exit rate percentage has to be lower (big numbers demonstrate that there’s something wrong with your website).
The exit rate and exit analytics are necessary when evaluating the effectiveness of a page within a specified sequence of actions (conversion tunnel). Let’s look at it a little bit closer and use placing an order in an online store as an example. It contains a few classic steps.
- Checking the list and adding to the cart.
- Shopping cart view.
- Filling in the delivery data.
- Order confirmation.
The increase in the values of the exit rate on a page (and the decrease on the rest inside the tunnel) is one of the basic tasks of an Internet marketer.

Get acquainted with additional essential moments
It’s important to check not only bounce rate vs exit rate Google Analytics but also those pages that are characterized by a large flow of traffic and at the same time a high exit rate. This helps to find out the reasons visitors leave without placing an order and what can be changed to keep them on the site.
Google Analytics bounce rate vs exit comparison shows that the site’s bounce rate characterizes the effectiveness of an online store and shows the level of visitors engagement with the content and interface. The web showcase also may not fulfill the task as it does not stimulate getting to know the product in detail. Specialists have to look for the reason for such ineffectiveness and solve the problem.
You can improve user experience, increase click-through rate, optimize conversion, and increase average revenue by reducing the bounce rates of different pages. The second important aspect is the influence of the indicator on the ranking of the resource in search engines.
Moments that have a negative impact
Keep in mind that it’s better not to complicate registration and ordering by requesting extra data while the peculiarities of exit vs bounce rate checking. The average user can be scared off by a significant waste of time, as well as a violation of confidentiality (as the system asks to give email and other similar information).
Lack of clear instructions for password content also influences the bad performance of the whole system and the tracking of exit and bounce rates. As you can see, the comparison of exit rate vs bounce rate demonstrates that both indicators are essential and have their own specific moments. That’s why it’s recommended to contact the Sigma Company’s specialists who will make sure that the above-mentioned rates will be at the required level.